MessagingOutbox - is a temporary storage place for messages waiting to be sent.Sent - stores the last 15 messages that have been sent. To change the number ofmessages to be saved, see ’Settings for the Sent folder’, p. 88.Reports- you can request the network to send you a delivery report of the shortmessages, smart messages, and multimedia messages you have sent. To turn on deliveryreport reception, select Options → Settings → Short message or Multimedia message, scrollto Receive report, and select Yes.Tip! When youhave opened one of thedefault folders, forexample, Sent, you caneasily move between thefolders: by moving thejoystick to the right toopen the next folder(Outbox), or by movingthe joystick to the left toopen the previous folder(Drafts).Note: Receiving a delivery report of a multimedia message that has been sent to ane-mail address might not be possible.Note: Before you can create a multimedia message, write an e-mail, or connect toyour remote mailbox, you must have the correct connection settings in place. See’Settings needed for e-mail’, p. 70 and ’Settings needed for multimedia messaging’,p. 67.Messaging - General informationThe message status is always either draft, sent, or received. Messages can be saved to theDrafts folder before they are sent. Messages are temporarily placed to Outbox to wait forsending. After a message has been sent, you can find a copy of the message in the Sentfolder. Received and sent messages are in read-only state until you select Reply or Forward,which copies the message to an editor. Note that you cannot forward e-mail messages youyourself have sent.