Calendar and To-do Sending calendar entries• In the Day view, scroll to the entry you want to send and select Options → Send. Thenselect the method, the choices are: Via short message, Via e-mail (available only if thecorrect e-mail settings are in place), Via Bluetooth, or Via infrared. For furtherinformation, see the ’Messaging’ chapter, ’Sending and receiving data via infrared’, p.121, and ’Sending data via Bluetooth’, p. 117.To-doGo to Menu → To-do. Note: Your phone must be switched on to use this function. Do not switch thephone on when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interferenceor danger.In To-do you can keep a list of tasks that you need to do. See Fig. 3, p. 96.1 To start to write a to-do note, press any key ( - ). The editor opens andthe cursor blinks after the letters you have keyed in.2 Write the task in the Subject field. Press to add special characters.• To set the due date for the task, scroll to the Due date field and key in a date.• To set a priority for the to-do note, scroll to the Priority field and press the joystick.3 To save the to-do note, press Done.Note: If you remove all characters and press Done, the previously saved note willbe deleted.• To open a to-do note, scroll to it and press the joystick.