AT Command Set for Nokia 8850 27Copyright © 2000. Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.Syntax:text mode (+CMGF=1):AT+CNMAPDU mode (+CMGF=0):AT+CNMA=,PDU is givenAT+CNMA=? Show supported values.Response for PDU mode (+CMGF=0) is:+CNMA: (0-2)+CNMI New Message Indications to TEThis command selects the procedure how the receiving of new messages from thenetwork is indicated to the DTE. For a detailed description of the syntax of indicationresponses, see Result Codes at page 65. (GSM 07.05 section 3.4.1)Syntax:AT+CNMI=[ [, [, [, [,]]]]]Select indication procedure.AT+CNMI? Query current setting.Response is +CNMI: , ,, , .AT+CNMI=? Show valid values. Response is +CNMI:lists of supported ('s), ('s),('s), ('s), ('s).Parameters:0 buffer all indications1 no indications when the DTE-DCE link is reserved (on-line data mode)2 buffer indications when the DTE-DCE link is reserved, (e.g. in on-linedata mode), and flush them to the DTE after reservation has ended0 no received message indications are routed to the DTE1 indication of received message is routed to the DTE using a resultcode +CMTI2 received messages (except class 2 messages which result only +CMTIindication) are routed directly to the DTE using a result code +CMT3 class 3 received messages are routed directly to the DTE using aresult code +CMT and messages of other classes using a resultindication +CMTI0 no cell broadcast indications are routed to the DTE2 new cell broadcast messages are routed directly to the DTE using aresult code +CBM0 no status reports are routed to the DTE1 status reports are routed to the DTE using a result code +CDS0 buffer of indications is flushed to the DTE when 1 or 2 isentered1 buffer of indications is cleared when 1 or 2 is entered