To view the dashboard, press 9.Car navigation shortcutsTo adjust the map for daytime or night-time usage, press 1.To save the current location, press 2.To search for locations by categories,press 3.To repeat the voice guidance, press 4.To find a different route, press 5.To adjust the volume of voice guidance,press 6.To add a stopover to the route, press 7.To view traffic information, press 8.To view the dashboard, press 9.LandmarksWith Landmarks, you can save theposition information of specific locationsin your device. You can sort the savedlocations into different categories, such asbusiness, and add other information tothem, such as addresses. You can use yoursaved landmarks in compatibleapplications, such as GPS data.Select > Applications >Landmarks.The coordinates in the GPS are expressedusing the international WGS-84coordinate system.Select Options and from the following:New landmark — Create a newlandmark. To make a positioning requestfor your current location, select Currentposition. To select the location from themap, select Select from map. To enter theposition information manually, selectEnter manually.Edit — Edit or add information to a savedlandmark (for example, a street address).Add to category — Add a landmark to acategory in Landmarks. Select eachcategory to which you want to add thelandmark.Send — Send one or several landmarks toa compatible device. Your receivedlandmarks are placed in the Inbox folderin Messaging.You can sort your landmarks into presetcategories, and create new categories. Toedit and create new landmark categories,open the categories tab, and selectOptions > Edit categories.GPS dataRoute guidanceSelect > Applications > GPS dataand Navigation.Start the route guidance outdoors. Ifstarted indoors, the GPS receiver may notreceive the necessary information fromthe satellites.Route guidance uses a rotating compasson the device display. A red ball shows thedirection to the destination, and theapproximate distance to it is shown insidethe compass ring.38 Positioning38 MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack