Switch the device on and offPress and hold the power key to switch thedevice on and off. Press the power keybriefly to end a call or close an application.If the device asks for a PIN code, enter thePIN code, and select OK.If the device asks for the lock code, enterthe lock code, and select OK. The factorysetting for the lock code is 12345.To set the correct time zone, time, anddate, select the country you are presentlyin, then enter the local time and date.Keypad lock (keyguard)To lock the keypad in the home screen,press the left selection key and * within1.5 seconds.To set the device to automatically lock thekeypad after a certain time, select >Settings > Settings and General >Security > Phone and SIM card >Keypad autolock period > Userdefined, and select the desired time.To unlock the keypad, select Unlock, andpress *. When the device or keypad islocked, calls may be possible to the officialemergency number programmed intoyour device.Volume controlTo adjust the earpiece or loudspeakervolume during a call or when listening toan audio file, use the volume keys.To activate or deactivate the loudspeakerduring a call, select Loudsp. or Handset.Warning:Continuous exposure to high volume maydamage your hearing. Listen to music at amoderate level, and do not hold the devicenear your ear when the loudspeaker is inuse.Connect a compatible headsetDo not connect products that create anoutput signal as this may cause damageto the device. Do not connect any voltagesource to the Nokia AV Connector.When connecting any external device orany headset, other than those approvedby Nokia for use with this device, to theNokia AV Connector, pay special attentionto volume levels.Get started 9www.nokia.com/support 9CyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack