• Month view shows the currentmonth and the calendar entries ofthe selected day in a list.• Week view shows the events for theselected week in seven day boxes.• Day view shows the events for theselected day grouped into time slotsaccording to their starting time.• To-do view shows all to-do items.• Agenda view shows the events forthe selected day in a list.To change the view, select Options >Change view and the desired view.Tip: To open the week view, select theweek number.To move to the next or the previous dayin month, week, day, and agenda view,select the desired day.To change the default view, selectOptions > Settings > Default view.MultitaskingYou can have several applications openat the same time. To switch betweenactive applications, press and hold thehome key, scroll to an application, andpress the scroll key. To close the selectedapplication, press the backspace key.Example: When you have an activephone call and want to check yourcalendar, press the home key to accessthe menu, and open the Calendarapplication. The phone call remainsactive in the background.Example: When you are writing amessage and want to check a web site,press the home key to access the menu,and open the Web application. Select abookmark or enter the web addressmanually, and select Go to. To return toyour message, press and hold the homekey, scroll to the message and press thescroll key.FlashlightThe camera flash can be used as aflashlight. To switch the flashlight on oroff, in the home screen, press and holdthe space bar.Do not point the flashlight at anyone'seye.Basic use 25www.nokia.com/supportCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack