7 To capture an image or record avideo or sound clip for a multimediamessage, select Options > Insertcontent > Insert image > New,Insert video clip > New, or Insertsound clip > New.8 To insert a smiley to a text ormultimedia message, press the symkey, and select the smiley.9 To add an attachment to an e-mail,select Options > Addattachment, the memory, and thefile to attach. indicates an e-mailattachment.10 To send the message, selectOptions > Send, or press the callkey.The available options may vary.Note: The message sent icon or text onyour device screen does not indicatethat the message is received at theintended destination.Your device supports text messagesbeyond the limit for a single message.Longer messages are sent as two ormore messages. Your service providermay charge accordingly. Characterswith accents, other marks, or somelanguage options take more space, andlimit the number of characters that canbe sent in a single message.You may not be able to send video clipsthat are saved in the MP4 file format orthat exceed the size limit of the wirelessnetwork in a multimedia message.ConnectivityYour device offers several options toconnect to the internet or to anothercompatible device or computer. Formore information on other connectivitymethods, see the extended user guideat www.nokia.com/support.Wi-Fi/WLAN connectionYour device can detect and connect towireless local area networks (WLAN).Using a WLAN, you can connect yourdevice to the internet and compatibledevices that have WLAN support.About WLANTo use a wireless local area network(WLAN) connection, it must be availablein the location, and your device must beconnected to the WLAN. Some WLANsare protected, and you need an accessConnectivity 31www.nokia.com/supportCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack