Search for different types of nearbyplacesSelect Browse categories and acategory, such as shopping,accommodation, or transport.If no search results are found, ensurethe spelling of your search terms iscorrect. Problems with your internetconnection may also affect results whensearching online.To avoid data transfer costs, you canalso get search results without an activeinternet connection, if you have maps ofthe searched area stored on your device.PersonalisationYou can personalise your device by, forexample, adjusting the various tones,background images, and screen savers.ProfilesSelect Menu > Ctrl. panel > Profiles.You can adjust and customise theringing tones, alert tones, and otherdevice tones for different events,environments, or caller groups. Theactive profile is shown at the top of thedisplay in the home screen. However, ifthe active profile is General, only today'sdate is shown.To create a new profile, selectOptions > Create new, and define thesettings.To customise a profile, select a profileand Options > Personalise.To activate a profile, select a profile andOptions > Activate.To set the profile to be active until acertain time within the next 24 hours,scroll to the profile, select Options >Timed, and set the time. When the timeexpires, the profile changes back to thepreviously active non-timed profile.When the profile is timed, isdisplayed in the home screen. TheOffline profile cannot be timed.To delete a profile that you created,select Options > Delete profile. Youcannot delete the predefined profiles.When the Offline profile is activated,your connection to the cellular networkis closed. All radio frequency signals38 MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack