To return to the conversations list without closing theconversation, select Back. To close the conversation,select Options > End conversation.To start a new conversation, select Options > Newconversation. You can start a new conversation with adifferent contact while you are inside another activeconversation. However, you cannot have two activeconversations with the same contact.To insert an image to an instant message, selectOptions > Send image, and select the image you want tosend.To save a conversation participant to your IM contacts,select Options > Add to IM contacts.To save a conversation, while in the conversation view,select Options > Record chat. The conversation is savedas a text file that can be opened and viewed in theNotes application.To send automatic replies to incoming messages, selectOptions > Set auto reply on. You can still receivemessages.IM groupsThe IM groups view shows a list of the IM groups that youTo join an IM group or to continue a group conversation,scroll to the group, and press the joystick. Enter amessage, and press the call key to send it.To join an IM group that is not on the list, but for whichyou know the group ID, select Options > Join new group.To leave the IM group, select Options > Leave IM group.To remove an IM group, press the clear key.Ban from groupsScroll to the IM group, and select Options > Group >Settings > Banned list.To prevent IM users from joining the group, selectOptions > Add to banned list and from the following:• From IM contacts — Ban one or several of your IMcontacts.• Enter user ID — Enter the ID of the IM user.To allow a banned user to join the group, selectOptions > Remove.IM contactsWhen login to an IM service is complete, your contact listfor the service provider is retrieved automatically. If yourMessagesC:/USERS/MODEServer/zmao/15544327/rm-49_mars/en/issue_3/rm-49_mars_en_3.xml Page 51 Feb 23, 2006 10:58:C:/USERS/MODEServer/zmao/15544327/rm-49_mars/en/issue_3/rm-49_mars_en_3.xml Page 51 Feb 23, 2006 10:58: