ContactsUser’s Guide 63Proprietary and Confidential – BetaUse and Disclosure Governed by Good Technology, Inc. NDAMessaging Preference to determine and revise which sharedfolders you have synchronized to the handheld.Contacts can also be used to make phone calls with your phone andsend email and SMS messages. Good Messaging must be running forContacts to be available to other applications.Understanding the Company History FolderThe Contacts application organizes your contacts into the followingtypes of folders: your personal contacts, your company’s sharedfolders, a Company History folder, and a folder that lists all thecontacts contained in these folders.The Company History folder provides you with a list of all thosepeople in your organization that you have communicated withthrough email. The list includes the email addresses of those youhave sent mail to and received mail from. In addition, you can addcontacts to the Company History folder from the list of matchesfound by a Lookup operation. Lookup addresses that you actuallyuse in a message are added to Company History automatically.To display the Company History, select the folder name at the top ofthe Contacts screen. From the drop-down list, select CompanyHistory. To display a quick summary of information for a contact inthe list, select the contact to open it.To display additional information about the contact, select More. Allinformation about the contact gathered from the GAL is displayed.The GAL does not contain some contact information, such as homeaddress and notes data; you can add this information to the contactmanually using the Edit menu.To send email to the contact, select it, bring up the Contacts menu,and choose the desired action.