Additional Applications70 Additional ApplicationsProprietary and Confidential – BetaUse and Disclosure Governed by Good Technology, Inc. NDAThe phone number for the selected contact will be dialedautomatically. For numbers that include country codes or areacodes or country codes, Good Messaging automatically prependsthe country/area code as necessary based on your location.Characters to indicate a pause in dialing (such as commas) are notrecognized.Alternatively, you can select a contact in the Contacts list and chooseDial Contact from the menu.CalendarYour handheld includes a Calendar application you can use tomanage your appointments and meetings. With this application youcan:• View existing appointments• Add new appointments or edit existing appointments• View appointments by day, week, month, or agenda• Invite attendees to a meeting• Set appointment reminders• Create and respond to meeting requests• Set calendar optionsMeeting requests and your responses to meeting requests (forexample, acceptances) are stored in the Sent Items folder of Outlookor Lotus Notes but not in the Sent Items folder on the handheldunless your IT administrator has enabled this feature on yourhandheld.When your handheld is set up, all of your calendar appointmentsfrom the past week and all future appointments are added to it.