Before you print, make sure that your device is properlyconnected to the printer.To print a message or a file, select Options > Print.To print to a file, select Options > Printing options >Print to file, and determine the location for the file.To change the printing options, select Options >Printing options. You can select the printer you want touse, the number of copies and the range of pages youwant to print.To change the page layout before printing, selectOptions > Printing options > Page setup. You canchange the paper size and orientation, define themargins, and insert a header or a footer. The maximumlength of the header and footer is 128 characters.To preview a file or message before you print, selectOptions > Printing options > Preview.NotesSelect Menu > Office > Notes.You can create and send notes to other compatibledevices, and save plain text files (.txt format) that youreceive to Notes.To write a new note, select Options > New note, writethe text and press Done.CalculatorNote: This calculator has limited accuracy and isdesigned for simple calculations.Select Menu > Office > Calculator.To make a calculation, enter the first number of thecalculation. Scroll to and select a function such as addor subtract from the function map. Enter the secondnumber of the calculation, and select =. Use thekeyboard to enter decimal points.The calculator performs operations in the order they areentered. The result of the calculation remains in theeditor field and can be used as the first number of a newcalculation.To save the results of a calculation, select Options >Memory > Save. The saved result replaces the previouslystored number in memory.To retrieve the results of a calculation from memory anduse them in a calculation, select Options > Memory >Recall.To view the last saved result, select Options > Lastresult.Exiting the calculator application or turning off thedevice does not clear the memory. You can recall thelast saved result the next time you open the calculatorapplication.ConverterSelect Menu > Office > Converter. 69 Office applications