Travel guidesTravel guides provide information about attractions,restaurants, hotels, and other points of interest. Someguides contain videos and audio clips. The guides mustbe purchased and downloaded before use.Downloading travel guides may involve thetransmission of large amounts of data through yourservice provider’s network. Contact your serviceprovider for information about data transmissioncharges.To purchase and download travel guides, or to viewdownloaded ones, select Options > Extras >Guides.To browse travel guide categories, select a category,and press the scroll key. If there are subcategories,select a subcategory, and press the scroll key again.To download a new guide to your device, scroll to thedesired guide, and select Yes. You can pay for theguides through a credit card or in your phone bill, ifsupported by your service provider.GPS dataSelect Menu > GPS > GPS data.With GPS data, you can view your current location, findyour way to a desired location, and track distance.Select Navigation to view navigating information toyour trip destination, Position to view positioninginformation about your current location, or Trip view your travelling information such as thedistance and duration you have travelled, and youraverage and maximum speeds.The application must receive positioning informationfrom at least four satellites to be used as a travellingaid.The trip meter has limited accuracy, and roundingerrors may occur. Accuracy can also be affected byavailability and quality of GPS signals.Use GPS dataTo check the signal strength of the satellites thatprovide the positioning information necessary fornavigation, open any of the three views and selectOptions > Satellite status.To set a landmark or location as the destination of yourtrip, select Navigation > Options > Setdestination. You can also enter the destinationlatitude and longitude coordinates.To remove the destination set for your trip, selectNavigation > Options > Stop navigation.To save your current position as a landmark, selectNavigation or Position, and Options > Saveposition.To activate the trip meter, select Trip distance >Options > Start. To stop the trip meter, selectOptions > Stop.To reset all fields and start calculating the trip again,select Trip distance > Options > Restart.96 Travelling