4. Make callsFor more information on different call types, options duringcalls, speed dialling, voice dialling, call waiting, and log, seethe extended user guide on the product support pages of theNokia website.Calls1. In the standby mode, enter the phone number, includingthe area code. To remove a number, press C.For international calls, press * twice for the + character(which replaces the international access code), and enterthe country code, area code (omit the leading zero ifnecessary), and phone number.2. To make the call, press the call key.3. To end the call (or to cancel the call attempt), press theend key.Pressing the end key always ends a call, even if anotherapplication is active.To make a call from Contacts, select Menu > Contacts. Scrollto the desired name, or enter the first letters of the name tothe search field. To call the contact, press the call key. If youhave saved several numbers for a contact, select the desirednumber from the list, and press the call key.CyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack2009-06-25 13:16:47 P3657 user guide publication 3