© 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.Additional safety information50Additional safetyinformationSmall childrenYour device and its enhancements may contain smallparts. Keep them out of the reach of small children.Operating environmentThis device meets RF exposure guidelines when used eitherin the normal use position or when positioned at least1.0 centimeters (3/8 inches) away from the body. When acarry case, belt clip, or holder is used for body-wornoperation, it should not contain metal and should positionthe device the above-stated distance from your body.To transmit data files or messages, this device requires aquality connection to the network. In some cases,transmission of data files or messages may be delayeduntil such a connection is available. Ensure the aboveseparation distance instructions are followed until thetransmission is completed.Parts of the device are magnetic. Metallic materials maybe attracted to the device. Do not place credit cards orother magnetic storage media near the device, becauseinformation stored on them may be erased.StandardsThe product is compliant with the following standards:EN 300328-2, Harmonised standard for DataTransmission Equipment Operating in the 2.4 GHz Band.EN 301 489-01, Electro Magnetic Compatibility Standardfor Radio Equipment and Services.EN 301 489-17, Specific (EMC) Conditions for WidebandData and Hiperlan Equipment.EN 60950-1/IEC 60950-1, Safety of InformationTechnology Equipment.1999/5/EC, Council Recommendation on the Limitation ofExposure of the General Public to Electromagnetic Fields.Please check compliance with other standards separately.