Tools89Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.ToolsCalculatorTo add, substract, multiply, divide, calculate square rootsand percentages, press , and select Tools > Calculator.Note: This calculator has limited accuracy and isdesigned for simple calculations.To save a number in the memory (indicated by M),select Options > Memory > Save. To retrieve a number inmemory, select Options > Memory > Recall. To clear anumber in memory, select Options > Memory > Clear.Calculate percentages1 Enter a number for which you want to calculate apercentage.2 Select , , , or .3 Enter the percentage.4 Select .ConverterTo convert measures such as Length from one unit (Yards)to another (Metres), press , and select Tools >Converter.Note that Converter has limited accuracy, and roundingerrors may occur.1 Scroll to the Type field, and press the joystick to opena list of measures. Scroll to the measure you want touse, and select OK.2 Scroll to the first Unit field, and press the joystick.Select the unit from which you want to convert andOK. Scroll to the next Unit field, and select the unit towhich you want to convert.3 Scroll to the first Amount field, and enter the value youwant to convert. The other Amount field changesautomatically to show the converted value.Press to add a decimal and for the +, -(for temperature), and E (exponent) symbols.Tip! To change the conversion order, enter thevalue in the second Amount field. The result isshown in the first Amount field.