GPS dataGPS data is designed to provide route guidance informationto a selected destination, position information about yourcurrent location, and traveling information, such as theapproximate distance to the destination and approximateduration of travel.Select Menu > Applications > Location and GPS data.Route guidanceRoute guidance shows the straightest route and theshortest distance to the destination, measured in a straightline. It ignores any obstacles on the route, such as buildingsand natural obstacles, or differences in altitude. Routeguidance is active only when you move. Start the routeguidance outdoors to receive the necessary information fromthe satellites.Select Menu > Applications > Location and GPS data >Navigation.Set your destinationSelect Options > Set destination and a landmark as thedestination, or enter the latitude and longitude coordinates.Clear the destinationSelect Stop navigationRetrieve position informationYou can view the position information of your currentlocation and an estimate of the accuracy of the location.Select Menu > Applications > Location and GPS data >Positioning.Save your current location as a landmarkSelect Options > Save position. Landmarks can be used inother compatible applications and transferred betweencompatible devices.Trip meterWith the trip meter, you can calculate the distance, speed,and time of your trip. Use the trip meter outdoors to receivea better GPS signal.Select Menu > Applications > Location and GPS data >Trip distance.Start calculating the trip distanceSelect Options > Start. The calculated values remain on thedisplay.Start a new calculationSelect Options > Reset. This sets the trip distance and timeand average and maximum speeds to zero.Set the odometer and total time to zeroSelect Options > Restart.The trip meter has limited accuracy, and rounding errors mayoccur. Accuracy can also be affected by availability and qualityof GPS signals.© 2011 Nokia. All rights reserved. 65