Play and manage podcastsTo display the available episodes from the selected podcast,in Podcasts, select Open.Under each episode, you see the file format, the size of thefile, and time of the upload.When the podcast is fully downloaded, to play the fullepisode, select it and Play.To update the selected podcast or marked podcasts, for a newepisode, select Options > Update.To stop the updating, select Options > Stop update.To add a new podcast by entering the URL of the podcast,select Options > New podcast.If you do not have an access point defined or if during packetdata connection you are asked to enter a user name andpassword, contact your service provider.To edit the URL of the selected podcast, select Options >Edit.To delete a downloaded podcast or marked podcasts fromyour device, select Options > Delete.To send the selected podcast or marked podcasts to anothercompatible device as .opml files as a multimedia message orby Bluetooth connectivity, select Options > Send.To update, delete, and send a group of selected podcasts atonce, select Options > Mark/Unmark, mark the desiredpodcasts, and select Options to choose the desired action.To open the website of the podcast (network service), selectOptions > Open web page.Some podcasts provide the opportunity to interact with thecreators by commenting and voting. To connect to theinternet to do this, select Options > View comments.FM radioListen to the radioSelect Menu > Music > Radio.The FM radio depends on an antenna other than the wirelessdevice antenna. A compatible headset or accessory needs tobe attached to the device for the FM radio to functionproperly.When you open the application for the first time, you canchoose to have the local stations tuned automatically.To listen to the next or the previous station, select or.To mute the radio, select .Select Options and from the following:Stations — View saved radio stations.Music 109