Send the image or video clip.Mark the image or video clip.AlbumsWith albums, you can conveniently manage your images andvideo clips.Select Menu > Photos and Albums.Create a new albumSelect .Add an image or a video clip to an albumSelect the item and Options > Add to album. A list of albumsopens. Select the album to which you want to add the imageor video clip. The item you added to the album is still visiblein Photos.Remove an image or a video clip from an albumSelect the album and the item, and Options > Remove fromalbum.TagsWith tags, you can categorise media items in Photos. The tagbrowser shows the currently used tags and the number ofitems associated with each tag.Select Menu > Photos.Assign a tag to an imageSelect the image and Options > Add tag. To create a tag,select New tag.View the tags you have createdSelect Tags. The size of a tag name corresponds to thenumber of items the tag is assigned to.View all the images associated with a tagSelect the tag from the list.Sort the tags by nameSelect Options > Name.Sort the tags by popularitySelect Options > Popularity.Remove an image from a tagSelect the tag and the image, and Options > Remove fromtag.Slide showSelect Menu > Photos.To view your images as a slide show, select an image andOptions > Slide show > Play. The slide show starts fromthe selected file.To view only a selection of images as a slide show, selectOptions > Mark/Unmark > Mark to mark the images. Tostart the slide show, select Options > Slide show > Play.© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.80