Nokia Lumia 822: Safety and WarrantyChapter 16All Rights Reserved. 1400 16th Street, NW Suite 600, Washington, DC20036. Tel: (202) 785-0081.Safety is the most important call you will ever make.A guide to safe and responsible wireless phone use whiledrivingWireless devices give consumers the freedom to stay connected withfamily and friends, to conduct business and to have fun virtually any-time, anywhere. But, when it comes to using wireless phones behindthe wheel, it’s important to remember that safety always comes first.Drivers face many distractions in the car – from eating and drinking toplaying music or talking with other passengers. The wireless industryhas worked closely with the public safety community, to help educatedrivers on the range of distractions they face behind the wheel as wellas when it is appropriate to place or receive a wireless phone call. Edu-cational efforts that provide practical and sound advice, rather thanlegislation, are the best methods to truly affect driver behavior in apositive way.Through industry-sponsored public service announcements and out-reach, drivers are reminded to, before reaching for the phone whiledriving, ask themselves, “Is this call necessary?” If it is necessary to usea wireless phone while driving, the wireless industry encourages driversto follow some basic do’s and don’ts to ensure that a wireless phonedoesn’t become a distraction.Your wireless phone can be your best traveling partner – offering a life-line in emergencies, helping to locate directions and keeping you con-nected with family and friends when necessary. In fact, wireless phonesare one of the best safety tools drivers can have on the road. Every day,more than 200,000 calls are made from wireless phones to 911 or otheremergency services. That’s about 140 calls every minute. More Ameri-cans are using their wireless phones to report emergencies, to preventcrimes, and even to save lives.But safety should be every driver’s top priority. That means makinggood judgment calls about when it’s appropriate to use your wirelessphone. It also means keeping your eyes on the road and being cautiousand courteous of other drivers. Every state has hazardous or inatten-tive driving laws to discourage distracted driving – no matter what thecause.Driving TipsIf it is necessary to use a wireless device while driving, the wirelessindustry encourages drivers to follow some basic do’s and don’ts toensure that a wireless device doesn’t become a distraction.1. Get to know your wireless phone and its features such as speed dialand redial.2. Position your wireless phone within easy reach.3. Dial sensibly and assess the traffic; if possible, place calls when youare not moving.4. Let the person you are speaking with know you are driving; if neces-sary, suspend the call in heavy traffic or hazardous weather condi-tions.5. Do not take notes or look up phone numbers while driving. Use ahands-free device for convenience and comfort.6. Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations that mightdivert your attention from the road.7. Dial 911 or other local emergency numbers to report serious emer-gencies — it’s free from your wireless phone!8. Use your wireless phone to help others in emergencies.9. Call roadside assistance or a special non-emergency wireless num-ber when necessary.So, play it safe and remember, with wireless, safety is your call!For more information, please call 1-888-901-SAFE. For updates: MANUFACTURER’S LIMITED WARRANTY FORNOKIA WITH WINDOWS PHONEThis Manufacturer’s Limited Warranty74