You may terminate your registration if you nolonger wish to use the Service. Aftertermination, you will no longer have access tothe Service. Nokia may terminate yourregistration or restrict your access to certainparts of the Service if Nokia reasonablybelieves that you have breached the Terms orwith prior notice if you have not signed intothe Service with your username in the past six(6) months.Except as set forth in the Privacy Policy, Nokiais not responsible for any removal or loss ofthe information or content you havesubmitted to the Service. When information orcontent is removed from the Service by eitheryou or Nokia, traces or copies may still remainelsewhere.4. LicensesNokia grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license, revocable at any time atNokia’s sole discretion, to access and use theService strictly in accordance with the Terms.Use of the Service does not grant you anyintellectual property rights in or to anyinformation or content in the Service.As part of the Service, Nokia may provide youwith content developed by Nokia or itslicensors (“Content”). Nokia grants you a non-exclusive and perpetual license to use Contentfor the purpose it is intended, unlessotherwise defined in the applicable Terms orthe purchase order. Some Content may only beavailable to residents of certain geographicalareas. You are bound by any restrictionsapplicable to specific Content you obtainthrough the Service. Any license acquired tothird-party Content is a binding agreementbetween you and the third-party Contentprovider. You have only the rights to theContent which are expressly granted here.As part of the Service, Nokia may provide youwith certain software developed by Nokia or,its licensors (“Software”). Your use ofSoftware may be subject to separate termsand conditions that you must accept beforeusing the Software. If there are no separateterms and conditions applicable to suchSoftware, the following terms apply: Nokiagrants to you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to install and use theSoftware on your computer and/or mobiledevice. You may not copy the Software, exceptto make a single archival backup copy. Youmay not distribute, transfer the right to use,modify, translate, reproduce, resell,sublicense, rent, lease, reverse engineer, orotherwise attempt to discover the source codeof or make derivative works of the Software.For open source licensed software, applicableopen source license terms apply.The Software maybe subject to export controlsunder the U.S. Export AdministrationRegulations and other import or exportcontrol regulations. You agree to strictlycomply with all applicable import and exportregulations and acknowledge that you havethe responsibility to obtain licenses to export,re-export, transfer, or import such Software.