linked from, pages you visit, the links you use,the content you viewed and other suchinformation your browser provides us with isautomatically collected by Nokia. Some of ourmobile services may collect your uniquemobile device identifiers, subscriber identityinformation, network service provider specificidentifiers, network settings and other suchinformation. When you use our products andservices or otherwise interact with us overtelecommunications networks, certainadditional information, such as your mobilesubscription number, may be transmitted tous by your mobile network provider.• Information you provide us with Wemay ask you to provide us with informationsuch as your name, email address, streetaddress, user names and passwords, yourconsents, preferences and feedback,information relating to your devices, age,gender, postal code and languagepreferences. Please note that certain non-identifiable information collected from youmay become personally identifiable when youprovide us with your personal data. We mayalso obtain, in accordance with applicable law,some personal data from list-rentalcompanies and other such publicly availablesources. Some of our services may allow youto submit information about other people, forexample, if you make an order for a productthat you wish us to send directly to anotherrecipient.• Your transactions with us We collectinformation relating to your purchase and useof our products and services and your otherinteractions with us. Such information mayinclude details of the queries or requests youhave made, the products and servicesprovided, delivery details, bank accountnumber, credit card details, billing address,credit checks and other such financialinformation, details of agreements betweenyou and Nokia, records of contacts andcommunications, information and detailsrelating to the content you have provided uswith and other such transactionalinformation. We may, in accordance withapplicable law, record your communicationwith our customer care or with other suchcontact points.• Location data Nokia’s location basedservices and features may use satellite, Wi-Fior other network based location data, forexample your IP-address. Assisted positioningmethods of the device, for example AssistedGPS, provide you with faster and moreaccurate location data. Use of assistedpositioning methods may involve exchangingyour location data, wireless networkidentifiers along with your unique device ornetwork service provider identifiers with alocation server. Nokia processes thisinformation anonymously. Depending on yourpositioning settings and your use of locationservices of other service providers your devicemay connect to other service providers’servers, which are not controlled or operatedby Nokia. We recommend you to check theprivacy policies of such service providers tounderstand how they process your locationdata. You can modify the positioning settingsof your device from the device settings, forexample change or disable positioningmethods or location servers or modify theaccuracy of your location data.