are not supplied with the SIM card,contact the network service providerwhose SIM card is in your device.UPUK code — This code (8 digits) isrequired to change a blocked UPIN code.If the code is not supplied with the USIMcard, contact the network serviceprovider whose USIM card is in yourdevice.International Mobile EquipmentIdentity (IMEI) number — This number(15 or 17 digits) is used to identify validdevices on the GSM network. Devicesthat are, for example, stolen, can beblocked from accessing the network.The IMEI number for your device can befound under the battery.Prolong battery lifeMany features in your device increasethe demand on battery power andreduce the battery lifetime. To savebattery power, note the following:• Features that use Bluetoothtechnology, or allowing suchfeatures to run in the backgroundwhile using other features, increasethe demand on battery power.Deactivate Bluetooth technologywhen you do not need it.• Features that use wireless LAN(WLAN), or allowing such featuresto run in the background whileusing other features, increase thedemand on battery power. WLAN onyour Nokia device deactivates whenyou are not trying to connect, notconnected to an access point, or notscanning for available networks. Tofurther reduce batteryconsumption, you can specify thatyour device does not scan, or scansless often, for available networks inthe background.• If you have set Packet dataconnection to When available inconnection settings, and there is nopacket data coverage (GPRS), thedevice periodically tries to establisha packet data connection. Toprolong the operating time of yourdevice, select Menu > Ctrl. panel >Settings and Connection >Packet data > Packet dataconnection > When needed.• If the signal strength of the cellularnetwork varies much in your area,your device must scan for theavailable network repeatedly. Thisincreases the demand on batterypower.Find help 103© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.