Ringing tones, images, and call textfor contacts 406. Messaging 41About messaging 41Write and send messages 41Check the number of unreadmessages 43E-mail 44Nokia Messaging 46About Chat 47Message reader 47Speech 48Messaging settings 497. Music and audio 53Music key 53Music player 53Say and Play 56Nokia Podcasting 56FM Radio 58Internet radio 59Recorder 598. Images and videos 61Camera 61Gallery 62Photos 63Share online 63Video Centre 65RealPlayer 659. Internet 67About Browser 67Browse the web 67Browser toolbar 68Navigate pages 68Web feeds and blogs 69Bookmarks 69Empty the cache 70End the connection 70Connection security 7010. Time management 72Calendar 72Set time and date 74Alarm clock 7411. Office applications 76Active notes 76Calculator 77Converter 77Zip manager 78Notes 7812. Connectivity 80Data connections and access points 80Network settings 80Wireless LAN 81Active data connections 84Contents 3© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.