your service provider for moreinformation about networks.Your device supports severalconnectivity methods and likecomputers may be exposed to virusesand other harmful content. Exercisecaution with messages, connectivityrequests, browsing, and downloads.Only install and use services andsoftware from trustworthy sources thatoffer adequate security and protection,such as applications that are SymbianSigned or have passed the JavaVerified™ testing. Consider installingantivirus and other security software onyour device and any connectedcomputer.Your device may have preinstalledbookmarks and links for third-partyinternet sites and may allow you toaccess third-party sites. These are notaffiliated with Nokia, and Nokia doesnot endorse or assume liability forthem. If you access such sites, takeprecautions for security or content.Warning:To use any features in this device, otherthan the alarm clock, the device must beswitched on. Do not switch the deviceon when wireless device use may causeinterference or danger.When using this device, obey all lawsand respect local customs, privacy andlegitimate rights of others, includingcopyrights. Copyright protection mayprevent some images, music, and othercontent from being copied, modified, ortransferred.Make back-up copies or keep a writtenrecord of all important informationstored in your device.When connecting to any other device,read its user guide for detailed safetyinstructions. Do not connectincompatible products.The images in this guide may differ fromyour device display.Refer to the user guide for otherimportant information about yourdevice.6 Safety© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.