175.2 Understanding Performance IssuesYour UC4 height control system will work well in most situations. However,as with any equipment, it is important that the operator remains alert at alltimes. There may be some field and terrain situations where performance isdiminished. In these situations the operator must resume height control of thebooms manually. A discussion of performance issues is given below to helpclarify these situations.Sensitivity SettingYour system is configured to work well in most conditions, with warmhydraulic oil, at a sensitivity of five. When you first begin operation at thestart of a day, it may be necessary to operate at a lower sensitivity until theoil has reached normal temperature. Keep increasing the SENSI settinguntil the performance is optimized.Different types of terrain may require different SENSI settings. The SENSIsetting controls more than just response time. It also determines howaccurately the system will try to correct for height errors. The higher thesensitivity the higher the accuracy. At low sensitivity a few inches of errorwill be tolerated. At high sensitivity, virtually no error will be tolerated.Therefore, the system will be much more active at high sensitivity than atlow sensitivity.Field conditions and operator preference determine the appropriate SENSIsetting. On some sprayer models, it may be difficult to reach an optimumlevel of sensitivity while maintaining good boom stability. This could be anindication that the boom is mechanically under-damped for controlpurposes. Additional shock absorbers/dampers can dramatically improveautomatic control performance. Some UC4 sprayer kits come completewith additional damper kits. Other sprayer models have damper kitsavailable from the sprayer manufacturer or from Norac as optionalequipment. Contact Norac or your sprayer dealer for more assistance.Boom Reaction TimeThere are two key factors that determine how quickly your boom can reactto changes in terrain. The first factor is the available hydraulic speed. Themaximum hydraulic speed of your boom was designed by the sprayermanufacturer and is not improved or diminished with the addition of theUC4 height controller.The second factor is the mechanical design of the sprayer. The SENSIsetting does affect the reaction time of your boom - the higher the numberthe quicker the response. However, how high you can run the SENSIsetting is determined to large extent by mechanical issues related to theboom and sprayer.