234.8 COMPLETING THE I NSTALLATION1. Start up your sprayer and test thesprayer’s functionality. The NORACControl Panel does not need to bepowered up for the original switches tofunction. Unfold the booms andraise/lower each boom and main section.Confirm that the cabling and hosesare agreeable to the entire range ofmotion.2. If any functions do not work, review thehydraulic and electrical portions of thismanual to check for proper installation.If you still have trouble, contactNORAC for assistance.3. Turn on the power for the UC4+ ControlPanel using the switch on the side of itschassis.4. Repeat the Boom Speed Test asdescribed in Section 4.2 Boom SpeedTest with the NORAC UC4+ Systeminstalled. Record the results forcomparison in Table 5.5. For optimal performance of the UC4system, there should be very little play atthe hitch clevis. The addition ofpolymer washers can help tighten up thisconnection (Figure 29).6. The procedure for the installation of theUC4+ System is now complete. Beginthe AUTOMATIC SYSTEM SETUPprocedure as described in the UC4+Sprayer Boom Control Operator’sManual (M01A).Figure 29 – Hitch Point