31EXERCISE GUIDELINESThese guidelines will help you to plan your exerciseprogram. For detailed exercise information, obtain areputable book or consult your physician. Remember,proper nutrition and adequate rest are essential forsuccessful results.EXERCISE INTENSITYWhether your goal is to burn fat or to strengthen yourcardiovascular system, exercising at the proper inten-sity is the key to achieving results. You can use yourheart rate as a guide to find the proper intensity level.The chart below shows recommended heart rates forfat burning and aerobic exercise.To find the proper intensity level, find your age at thebottom of the chart (ages are rounded off to the near-est ten years). The three numbers listed above yourage define your “training zone.” The lowest number isthe heart rate for fat burning, the middle number is theheart rate for maximum fat burning, and the highestnumber is the heart rate for aerobic exercise.Burning Fat—To burn fat effectively, you must exer-cise at a low intensity level for a sustained period oftime. During the first few minutes of exercise, yourbody uses carbohydrate calories for energy. Only afterthe first few minutes of exercise does your body beginto use stored fat calories for energy. If your goal is toburn fat, adjust the intensity of your exercise until yourheart rate is near the lowest number in your trainingzone. For maximum fat burning, exercise with yourheart rate near the middle number in your trainingzone.Aerobic Exercise—If your goal is to strengthen yourcardiovascular system, you must perform aerobicexercise, which is activity that requires large amountsof oxygen for prolonged periods of time. For aerobicexercise, adjust the intensity of your exercise until yourheart rate is near the highest number in your trainingzone.WORKOUT GUIDELINESWarming Up—Start with 5 to 10 minutes of stretch-ing and light exercise. A warm-up increases your bodytemperature, heart rate, and circulation in preparationfor exercise.Training Zone Exercise—Exercise for 20 to 30 min-utes with your heart rate in your training zone. (Duringthe first few weeks of your exercise program, do notkeep your heart rate in your training zone for longerthan 20 minutes.) Breathe regularly and deeply as youexercise; never hold your breath.Cooling Down—Finish with 5 to 10 minutes of stretch-ing. Stretching increases the flexibility of your musclesand helps to prevent post-exercise problems.EXERCISE FREQUENCYTo maintain or improve your condition, complete threeworkouts each week, with at least one day of restbetween workouts. After a few months of regular exer-cise, you may complete up to five workouts each week,if desired. Remember, the key to success is to makeexercise a regular and enjoyable part of your everydaylife.WARNING: Before beginning thisor any exercise program, consult your physi-cian. This is especially important for personsover age 35 or persons with pre-existinghealth problems.The heart rate monitor is not a medical device.Various factors may affect the accuracy ofheart rate readings. The heart rate monitor isintended only as an exercise aid in determin-ing heart rate trends in general.