Specifications8‐22013 Nordson CorporationAll rights reservedMicroMaxIssued 12/13P/N 768635_11Micro 1 Micro 2 Micro3/3AMicro 4 Micro 5Weight (kg)approx.shipping450 700 1600 700 650Micro 6 Micro7/7AMicro 8 Micro 9 Micro 10Weight (kg)approx.shipping300 450 1400 1700 1700Micro 11 Micro 12 Micro 13 Micro 14 Micro 15Weight (kg)approx.shipping2100 2100 2000 2500 2500Micro 16 Micro 17Weight (kg)approx.shipping2500 2500The weights above do not include the control panel.NOTE: All weight specification above are identical for the MicroMax-Xrange of BoothsMeasured at a distance of 1m from the surface of the unit and at a heightof 1.6 m <80 dBA.The air supply for the powder spray booth shall be 2 ° C dewpoint, oil free air Clean and dry filtered to 5. 1/2” BSP at approx. 10 scfm per moduleAt a maximum supply pressure of 6.5 bar.2. Weights3. Noise4. Pneumatic Supply