Page 16 of 44 Description and features553-3031-010 Standard 3.00 August 2005• directories• call logsCallPilot 2.0CallPilot 2.0 includes the 501t and the 1002rp messaging platforms asreplacements for the existing standalone platforms.CallPilot 1.5 MiniCallPilot 1.5 Mini is a less expensive, embedded messaging stand-aloneplatform that provides Unified Messaging and base Voice Messagingcapabilities in both Meridian 1 and CS 1000S switching environments.Symposium Call Center ServerSymposium Call Center Server (SCCS) offers a suite of applications thatincludes call processing and agent handling, extensive management andreporting capabilities, third-party application interfaces, and real-timedisplays for supervisors and managers. For further information, see theSymposium Call Centre Server documentation.Nortel Integrated Recorded AnnouncerNortel Integrated Recorded Announcer enables the user to manage recordedannouncements using a Browser User Interface (BUI), a Telephone UserInterface (TUI), or a text-based user interface. For further information, seeIntegrated Recorded Announcer: Service Implementation Guide(553-3001-360).Nortel Remote Gateway 9150Nortel Remote Gateway 9150 enables remote employees of central offices toaccess CS 1000S features and functionality using an IP WAN. The RemoteGateway 9150 unit installs at the remote site and communicates with thecentral site using a 10BaseT Ethernet or ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI)connection. It uses VoIP technology to route voice and signaling packetsbetween the remote office site and the CS 1000S main site, enabling seamlessintegration.