Configuring Wireless Services 55Nortel WLAN Management Software 2300 Series User Guide“ConfigureRADIUSServers” onpage 581. Tool bar option: SelectConfiguration.2. Organizer panel: Expand theWSS.3. Expand AAA.4. Click RADIUS.5. Select RADIUS Server in theTask List.From the Create RADIUS Server wizard:• Name: Enter server name• IP Address: Enter server IP address• Key: Enter key• Server group: Allow the wizard to create itOn the RADIUS servers themselves, configure theAAA backed (not in WMS):• Set up each WSS as a RADIUS client.• Define the Nortel vendor-specific attributes(VSAs) in the RADIUS server’s dictionary.• Configure each user record with authorizationrules (username and password).• Configure each user with either theVlan-Name attribute (Nortel VSA) or theRADIUS Tunnel-Private-Group-ID to assignusers to VLANs.• Configure authentication rules (802.1X,MAC, Open Access, or Web Portal).“Create a ServiceProfile for 802.1XAccess” onpage 621. Tool bar option: SelectConfiguration.2. Organizer panel: Expand theWSS.3. Expand Wireless.4. Click Wireless Services.5. Select 802.1X Service Profile inthe Task List.From the Create Service Profile wizard:• Service profile name: Edit name• SSID name: Enter name• Security mode: Select WPA (and deselectDynamic WEP)• Encryption type: Use TKIP (already selected)• EAP Type: Use External RADIUS Server(already selected)• RADIUS server group: Select one• SSID default VLAN: Enter name• Radio profile: Select one“Set Up VLANson WSSs” onpage 661. Tool bar option: SelectConfiguration.2. Organizer panel: Expand theWSS.3. Expand System.4. Click VLANs.5. Select VLAN in the Task List.From the Create VLAN wizard:• VLAN Name: Enter name• VLAN ID: Select number• IP Address: Enter IP Address• Ports: Select ports and either move (use onlyin the new VLAN) or add them (share withother VLANs)• If you add ports, select TagTable 1: Creating a Service for Employee Access (continued)Task Path Primary Parameters to Configure