Advanced functionsNortel Mobile Communication Client 3100 for Windows Mobile User Guide 83Managing network connectionsThe MCC 3100 for Windows Mobile supports cellular networkconnections for voice and data transmission. For feature support details,see Table 15 "Network connectivity features" on page 83.Working with GroupsBy using groups, you can associate buddies who have similarities. Forexample, create one group for the sales department, another for finance,and yet another for your personal friends. When you want to locatesomeone, simply look in the appropriate group folder. Once you havefound that person, place the call. Alternatively, call the entire group.Before you begin to use the MCC 3100, create your personalized groupsand add buddies to them. You can add a buddy to more than one group.Two system-generated groups are available:• Unfiled—containing buddies that you have not yet added to one ofyour personalized groups.• All—containing a copy of all buddies in the local address book.After you have assigned all of your buddies to personalized groups, theUnfiled group is removed from the Buddy list.Table 15: Network connectivity featuresDevicetypeOperatingsystemPossiblenetworkconnectionFeature supportNetworkroamingVoicecallhandoffCell only WindowsMobile 5.0 orlater• Voice overcell• Data overcellNo No