Page 164 of 236 NTBK50 2.0 Mb PRI card553-3023-211 Standard 1.00 June 2001CEPT transceiverThe transmitter and receiver functions are used for synchronization, channel,and signal extraction. The functions meet applicable specifications of theCCITT recommendation G.703 and G.732.The transceiver provides transmit framing based on the 2.048 MHz clockderived from the DS-30X system clock and 1 KHz framing pulse.Slip controlSlip control provides organized recovery of PCM when the clock recoveredfrom the external facility is at a different frequency with respect to the localclock.D-channel support interfaceThe D-channel support interface is a 64 Kbps, full-duplex serial bit streamconfigured as a DCE device. The data signals include:• receive data output• transmit data input• receive clock output• transmit clock outputThe receive and transmit clocks can be of slightly different bit rates from eachother as determined by the transmit and receive carrier clocks.The NTBK50 supports a D-Channel Handler Interface (DCHI)daughterboard. It is equivalent to a single port of an NTAK02 SDI/DCH card.The NTBK50 also supports a Downloadable D-Channel Handler interface(DDCH) daughterboard. The DDCH brings MSDL D-channel capability tothe Succession CSE 1000 system.DCHI Configuration for NTAK93 only (SW1)The NTAK93 DCHI daughterboard can be operated in two separate modesdefined by an on-board dip switch. It can operate in a standard DCHI modecommon to most ISDN standard countries. It can also operate in a DPNSSmode, but DPNSS is not supported at this time. The DDCH supports only a