Page 226 of 236 Analog line cards553-3023-211 Standard 1.00 June 2001NT1R20 OPS analog line card installationSet the jumpers on the NT1R20 OPS card.Each line interface unit on the card has two jumper blocks that are used toselect the proper loop current, depending on loop length. See Figure 53.For units connected to loops of 460 to 2300 ohms, both jumper blocks for thatunit must have jumper straps installed. For loops that are 460 ohms or less,jumper straps are not installed.Insert the OPS card in its assigned slot. Cross-connect off-premisetelephones.Figure 53Set the jumpersNT5K02 Flexible Analog Line CardThe NT5K02 flexible analog line card provides an interface for up to 16analog (500/2500-type) telephones equipped with either ground button recallswitches, high-voltage Message Waiting lamps, or low-voltage MessageWaiting LEDs. It can be installed in Slot 1, 2, and 3 of the Media Gateway,and in Slot 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Media Gateway Expansion.Up to three analog line cards are supported in each Media Gateway. Up tofour analog line cards are supported in each Media Gateway Expansion.The NT5K02 performs several functions, including:• flexible transmission• ground button operationJumper pinJumper blockJumper strap553-CSE8346