Browser User Interface39If a chairperson is not present, the Chairperson section displaysChairperson not present.The Participant List section contains several information fields. ThePhone number field shows the CLID or called number. The Call Typefield shows regular, dial-out, or expand. The current speaker is shown bya highlight in the Details field.The Conference Call Manager window is updated automatically everytwo minutes and can be refreshed manually by clicking Refresh.The Conference Call Manager window can be accessed in one of threeways:ï In the Login window (Figure 1 on page 12), enter the conferenceaccess number and chairperson password for the active conference.ï In the Conference List window (Figure 4 on page 15), click theControl icon (a gavel) for an active conference. (The icon appearsonly while the conference is active.)ï In the Microsoft Outlook User Interface window, select the Controlbutton in the ICB form while the conference is active. Refer toìMicrosoft Outlook User Interfaceî on page 48 for information aboutthe Microsoft Outlook interface.Managing the conferenceThis section describes how to perform tasks from the Conference sectionof the Conference Call Manager window (see Figure 18 on page 37).Note: If a chairperson is not present on the conference, the sessionmanagement activities (voting session and question-and-answersession) are not available (Figure 19 on page 38).Lengthening the conferenceTo lengthen the conference by 15 minutes, click Add 15 minutes at anytime during the conference. If successful, the system updates the ìTimeLeftî indication.Locking or unlocking the conferenceClick Lock at any time during the conference to prevent any moreparticipants from joining. To unlock the conference, click Unlock. The