32 Network deployment— If the MCC 3100 for Windows Mobile is connected to the PrimaryProxy Server, the client attempts to connect to the Alternate ProxyServer.— If the MCC 3100 for Windows Mobile is connected to the AlternateProxy Server, the client attempts to connect to the Primary ProxyServer.MCC 3100 for Windows Mobile - Administration toolThe MCC 3100 for Windows Mobile—Administration tool contacts thelicense server, FTP server, and email server. It does not contact the clientsdirectly. The tool sends an email to the user with an attached license file.The user loads the license file onto the Windows Mobile device and startsthe MCC 3100 for Windows Mobile. The MCC 3100 for Windows Mobileuses the FTP server IP address from the license file to connect to the FTPserver, where it downloads the user configuration created by the tool.MCC 3100 for BlackBerry and MCC 3100 for Nokia networkdeployment The MCC 3100 for BlackBerry requires the following network infrastructure:• Enterprise-hosted BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES)• Mobile Communication Gateway 3100 (MCG 3100)Figure 4 "MCC 3100 for BlackBerry typical network architecture" (page33) shows a typical architecture using the MCC 3100 for Blackberry.Nortel Mobile Communication 3100 Series PortfolioNortel Mobile Communication 3100 — Planning and EngineeringNN42030-200 01.09 StandardRelease 2.0 1 November 2007Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks.