Additional phone features135Resuming Normal ModeUse the Resume Normal Mode command to return to Normal Mode aftertesting survival functionality.Note: If the Resume Normal Mode command is not performed aftertesting, the phone automatically returns to Normal Mode in tenminutes.Troubleshooting MG 1000BIf you receive a MG 1000B error message, it will appear on the LCDscreen. Table 7 lists error messages and actions to correct the causes.1. Tap the Services soft key.2. Press the Up/Down navigation keys toscroll and to highlight Resume NormalMode.3. Tap the Select soft key (the phoneregisters back to the Main Office).Table 7: Troubleshoot MG 1000B (Part 1 of 2)Display message Probable cause ActionsLocal Mode Test local mode. Tap the Services softkey, and then selectResume NormalMode.Network problem. Contact systemadministrator if theproblem persists.