16 1.4.2 Release Notes for Remote Office and RLCStandard 1.1Upgrade file names for this releaseFirmware and software files are initially provided on the Remote Office ProductCD-ROM (NTDR81AG). Upgrade files that are downloaded from the NortelNetworks website are provided in self-extracting executable files.The following table identifies the upgrade files supported by this document forthe Meridian 1 release.Notes:! If you are using an Meridian SL-100 PBX, contact your Nortel Networkssupport representative to determine the Meridian SL-100 upgrade filenames.! To check the current firmware follow the procedure at the bottom of page17.Obtaining the latest upgrade filesYou can obtain the latest upgrade files from your Nortel Networks distributor, oron the Worldwide Web at www.nortelnetworks.com. Click on the Support linkand navigate to the file(s) that you are interested in.ComponentNortel Networksdelivery file name Upgrade file nameRLC rlc1_4_2.exe rlc-1_4_2.upgRemote Office 9150 unit 91501_4_2.exe 9150-1_4_2.upgRemote Office 911x series units 911x1_4_2_1.exe 911x-1_4_2_1.upgMeridian Digital TelephoneIP Adapter units(Internal and External)IPadapter1_4_2_1.exe IPAdapter1_4_2_1.upgISDN BRI U-interface module isdn33.exe bri33u.upgISDN BRI ST-interface module isdn33s.exe bri33s.upgConfiguration Manager cm1_4_0.exe not applicableNote: The setup.exe file provided within thecm1_4_0.exe file is used to perform theConfiguration Manager upgrade.