4 1.4.2 Release Notes for Remote Office and RLCStandard 1.1About this documentThis document applies to the following firmware and software:! Release 1.4.2 firmware for the Remote Office 9150 units and Reach LineCard (RLC)! Release firmware for the Remote Office 911x series units andMeridian Digital Telephone IP Adapter units! Release 1.4.2 software for Remote Office! Release 1.4.0 software for Remote Office Configuration Manager! Version 33 firmware for ISDN U-interface and ISDN ST-interfaceDocument purposeThis document describes the features, known problems, and work arounds forthe Remote Office 9150 unit, Remote Office 911x series units, Meridian DigitalTelephone IP Adapter units, and the RLC. It also provides:! information that is not provided in the:— Reach Line Card Installation and Administration Guide(NTP 555-8421-210)— Remote Office 9150 Installation and Administration Guide(NTP 555-8421-215)— Remote Office 911x Series Installation and Administration Guide(NTP 555-8421-220)— Meridian Digital Telephone IP Adapter Installation and AdministrationGuide (NTP 555-8421-211)! clarification for items that can prevent the system from operating correctlyif they are not configured correctly. Refer to “How to achieve a successfulimplementation” on page 5 for more details.