7Making a callCalling by name (Directory)You can make a call using the names listed in the centralized directory.1. Pick up the handset.2. Press the IntName key to reach aninternal correspondent.(The Directory screen, with the ExtNamekey allows you to reach an externalcorrespondent listed in the directory).3. Dial the first letters of the surname usingthe keys on the alphanumeric keypad(see page 4).4. To correct, use the interactive Deletekey.5. Press the Find key to display matchingentries.6. Highlight the desired name using the upor down navigation keys.7. Press the Call key to confirm yourchoice.The File key provides you with detailedinformation such as the phone numberand department.To modify an entry, select the Edit key. Thiswill take you to the name entry menu.Note: You can also access the directory directly by pressing the key,when your phone is idle or during an active call, without ending the call.IntNameDeleteFindEdit Call File