NWB & NWB-HC IM28 OCT 2014 Page 25Instruction Manual NWB & NWB-HC IM 28 OCT 201413.4 Chain and Sprockets13.5 Desiccant RotorThe state-of-the-art desiccant rotor supplied with NWBDC series dryers will last very longunder ideal conditions. Due to the nature of desiccant and honeycomb matrix they make verygood filters. The life of desiccant is directly related to the air born contaminates passed throughit. Avoid exposure to acidic gases or unusual amounts of dust. Although the desiccant rotor isconsidered a cleanable/washable media, the preferred method of cleaning is to blow dust outwith low pressure compressed air and to reactivate the rotor at a maximum temperature of380°F (190°C) for 15 minutes. Washing the rotor, although possible, is not recommended aswash water impurities may contaminate the desiccant. Proper filtration and preventing contactwith chemicals will greatly improve the life of the desiccant. Inspect the face of the rotor to seethat no surface damage has occurred. The rotor should turn smoothly upon the shaft..DesiccantRotorDrive MotorChainTensionerAssemblyDriveMotorDrive SprocketChain and sprockets shouldbe lubricated every sixmonths.