27ENGLISHIlThis book is an integral and essen-tial part of the product and must begiven to the user. Read this bookcarefully. It provides important infor-mation concerning safety of installa-tion, use and maintenance. Save itcarefully for future reference.☞After unpacking, make sure theappliance is complete. In case ofdoubts, do not use the appliance, butconsult a qualified technician.Packaging items which are poten-tially dangerous (plastic bags,polystyrene foam, nails, etc.) must bekept out of children’s reach and mustnot be disposed of in the environ-ment.☞RISK OF POLLUTIONBefore connecting the appliancemake sure the rating plate data cor-respond with the mains. This plateis on the front panel at the top righthand side of the appliance. Theappliance must be installed by qua-lified technicians in accordancewith current standards and manu-facturer’s instructions.The manufacturer is not liable forany damage caused due to failure toground the system. For the electri-cal safety of the appliance, it isnecessary to equip the system withthe proper grounding. This must becarried out by a qualified electricianwho must ensure that the electricpower of the system is sufficient toabsorb the maximum power inputstated on the plate.☞In particular you must ensure that thesize of the wiring cables is sufficientto absorb power input.The use of adapters, multiple socketsor extensions is strictly forbidden. Ifthey prove necessary, call a fully qua-lified electrician.☞The machine must be installed accor-ding to the local standards in forcewith regard to plumbing systems. Forthis reason, the plumbing connec-tions must be carried out by a quali-fied technician.☞This appliance must only be used asdescribed in this handbook. Themanufacturer shall not be liable forany damage caused due to improper,incorrect and unreasonable use.☞Fig. 3Fig. 42. SAFETY PRESCRIPTION4_Appia1GR_UK.qxp 18-01-2006 17:33 Pagina 27