EN-56 7000 Series Indicators5. SERIAL COMMUNICATION5.1 Interface CommandsThe indicator can be controlled using the commands listed below.CommandCharacters 1)FunctionON Turns the indicator on.OFF Turns the indicator off.IP Immediate print of displayed weight (stable or unstable).P 2)Print displayed weight (stable or unstable).SP Print on stability.CP Continuous print.xP Print on interval, where x = 1 to 3600 (seconds).Z 2)Equivalent to pressing the ZERO button.T 2)Equivalent to pressing the TARE button.xT Establish a preset tare, where x = the tare value in the current weighing unit.PU Print the current weighing unit.xU Change the weighing unit, where x = 1 (g), 2 (kg), 3 (lb), 4 (oz), 5 (lb:oz), 6 (t), 7 ©.PV Print the name, software version and LFT ON (if LFT is set to ON).H x “text” Enter the header line, where x = 1 to 5 (line number) and “text” = header text up to 24 characters.Escape key and R Global reset (all menu settings are reset to their factory default settings).NOTES:1) Commands sent to the indicator must be terminated by a carriage return (CR) or a carriage return-line feed (CRLF).2) Alternate command characters may be defined by the user. Refer to Section Data output by the indicator is always terminated with a carriage return-line feed (CRLF).5.2 Output FormatThe Result Data is output in the following format.Field: Label 1 Space 2 Weight 3 Space 2 Unit 4 Space Stability 5 Space G/N 6 Space Term. Characters 7Length: ≤11 ≤1 9 ≤1 ≤ 5 1 ≤ 1 ≤ 1 ≤ 3 ≤ 1 ≤ 41) In certain cases, a Label field of up to 11 characters is included. Refer to Section 5.3.2) Each field is followed by a single delimiting space (ASCII 32).3) The Weight field is 9 right justified characters. If the value is negative, the “-“ character is located at the immediateleft of the most significant digit.4) The Unit field contains the unit of measure abbreviation up to 5 characters.5) The Stability field contains the “?” character if the weight reading is not stable. The Stability field and the followingSpace field are omitted if the weight reading is stable.6) The G/N field contains the net or gross indication. For net weights, the field contains “NET”. For gross weights, thefield contains nothing, “G” or “B”, depending on the GROSS INDICATOR menu setting. Refer to Section The Termination Characters field contains CRLF, Four CRLF or Form Feed (ASCII 12), depending on the LINE FEEDmenu setting. Refer to Section 3.9.5.