Self-support tips (US) 9Defining the correct job settings for optimal output qualityDefinitionTo achieve optimal output quality, define the correct print modes.Use the following order to define the print modes:1 Define the correct media settings.The website includes information about the correctmedia settings for your jobs.2 Define the correct 'Color mode'.3 Define the correct 'Print quality mode'.4 Define the correct 'Color mode'.Chapter 7 of the user's manual includes information about the recommendedjob settings for your jobs.Define the correct color mode.[1] Define the correct color mode[1] Define the correct color modeIf ThenThe original is in color and the print-ed output requirement is colorset the 'Color mode' to 'Color'The original is in color and the print-ed output requirement is grayscaleset the 'Color mode' to 'Grayscale'The original is grayscale set the 'Color mode' to 'Grayscale'