Control panel settings 6cm3521 6-3Control panel settings Chapter 6Additional informationTo log on to User mode as the box administrator, type “boxadmin” as theuser name and type the password specified in “Specifying box administratorsettings” on page 6-12.Operations that can be performed*1 Only boxes created by the registered user*2 Box administrators and administrators can perform operations withoutentering the password, even if a password has been set for the box.2 ReminderThe following operations are performed from Web Connection. For de-tails, refer to Chapter 7, “Settings that can be specified using Web Con-nection” on page 7-2.Operation Create boxes View/download/delete documentsChange boxsettingsDelete boxesBox type Pub-licuserboxesPer-sonaluserboxesPublicuserboxesPerson-al userboxesPub-licuserboxesPer-sonaluserboxesPub-licuserboxesPer-sonaluserboxesPublic user o × o × o × o ×Registeredusero o o o*1 o o*1 o oBox adminis-tratoro*2 o*2 o*2 o*2 o*2 o*2 o*2 o*2Administrator o*2 × × × o*2 o*2 o*2 o*2