Overview of the Box functions 1cm3521 1-3Overview of the Box functions Chapter 1Types of boxesVarious types of boxes are available for different uses. With this machine,1,000 boxes can be created. The boxes can be given any number between1 and 999,999,999.- Public/personal user boxesTwo box types can be specified: “Public” and “Personal”. Public userboxes can be used by all users. Access to the box can be controlled byspecifying a password for the box. Personal user boxes can be used bycertain individuals. If user authentication settings have been applied, thebox can only be accessed by users that have logged on.- System user boxesThese are boxes that were already set up when the machine was pur-chased. There are six types of system user boxes. For details on usingthe system user boxes, refer to the corresponding User’s Guide.Box name DescriptionBulletin Board User Box This appears when optional fax kit cm3500210 is installed.Documents can be saved in this box, which can be used likea bulletin board. Up to 10 additional boxes can be createdwithin the bulletin board user box. For details, refer to the Us-er’s Guide [Facsimile Operations].Polling TX User Box This appears when optional fax kit cm3500210 is installed.Data can be registered in this box for polling transmissions.For details, refer to the User’s Guide [Facsimile Operations].Secure Print User Box Confidential documents can be saved in this box. A passwordmust be entered in order to access the document. Up to 200documents can be saved. For details, refer to the User’sGuide [Print Operations].Memory RX User Box This appears when optional fax kit cm3500210 is installed.Received fax documents will be saved in this box when“Memory RX” is set to “ON”.When a fax that you do not wish to print out is received, it canbe saved and printed when desired. For details, refer to theUser’s Guide [Facsimile Operations].Annotation User Box This box is used when adding an image of the date/time ornumber to document data saved in Scan mode before routingit.For details on saving documents in annotation user boxes, re-fer to the User’s Guide [Network Scanner Operations].Re-TX User Box This appears when optional fax kit cm3500210 is installed. Adocument that, even after redialing, could not be sent be-cause the recipient’s line is busy is temporarily saved in thisbox. The saved document can later be sent to the same recip-ient.For details, refer to the User’s Guide [Facsimile Operations].