3 Useful printing operations3-2 cm6520Useful printing operations Chapter 33 Useful printing operations3.1 Selecting the paperOriginal OrientationSelect "Portrait" or "Landscape" as the orientation for printing on the paper.Windows PCL/PS drivers: Basic tabMacintosh OS X driver: Page Attributes2 NoteFor details, refer to chapter 4, "Various printing methods", of the User’s Guide [Print Operations].Original Size and Paper SizeSelect the paper size of the document and the size of paper to be printed on.When printing on paper with a size different than the document, the image can be printed automaticallyenlarged or reduced to fit the specified paper size.Windows PCL/PS drivers: Basic tabMacintosh OS X driver: Page Attributes2 NoteFor details, refer to chapter 4, "Various printing methods", of the User’s Guide [Print Operations].ZoomSpecify the enlargement or reduction ratio.LandscapePortraitOriginal size Paper sizeReduce EnlargeOriginal