Conducting calls – enhanced functions57Step by StepCopying the entire phonebook or individual en-triesIf your handset and the recipient’s handset have phone numbers be-tween 1 and 99, you can send or receive a list or entry directly fromone handset to the other. If the handsets’ phone numbers start at 100,you must first send the list or entry to the communication system. Therecipient can then use his or her handset to download the list or entryfrom the communication system.Restrictions when copying over the communication systemThe entries in the handset’s phonebook are stored in vCard format(Æ page 51). The communication system, however, uses anotherformat. This can cause loss of phonebook entry information. The fea-tures that are new for the vCard format are indicated by an asterisk (=new for vCard format) in the table on Æ page 51. The phone num-bers are not affected.Sending a list/entrys Open the phonebook.t s Select the entry.© Open the handset’s phonebook menu.either:st [ Select the menu item and confirm.or:st [ Select the menu item and confirm.then:o Enter a phone no. The following phone numbers are possible:• 1... 98 – the list or entry is sent directly to the recipient’s handset.• 00 – the list or entry is sent to the communication system andcan then can be downloaded by any handset.• 99 – The list or entry is sent to the communication system andcan then can only be downloaded by your handset.[ Confirm your entry. The list or entry is sent.If a phone number from 1 to 98 was dialled, the list or the entry is au-tomatically received by the recipient’s handset.Loading a list or entry from the communication systemPrerequisite: You sent an entry or list to the communication system bydialling the phone number 00 or 99.Copy ListCopy Entry