782 Basic OperationUser Menu2 Basic OperationCategory Item Value Function / Notes B840dn B820nMEDIA MENU TRAY1PAPERSIZECASSETTE SIZECUSTOMSets the paper size for a tray 1. ○ ○TRAY1 X SIZE(INCH)5.8INCH~8.3INCH~11.7INCHSet up the paper Width for a tray1· "MEDIA MENU" - "TRAY1 PAPERSIZE"-"CUSTOM"· "MEDIA MENU" - "UNIT OF MEASURE"-"INCH"※3○ ○TRAY1 X SIZE(MILLIMETER)148MILLIMETER~210MILLIMETER~297MILLIMETERSet up the paper Width for a tray1· "MEDIA MENU" - "TRAY1 PAPERSIZE"-"CUSTOM"· "MEDIA MENU" - "UNIT OF MEASURE"-"MILLIMETER"※3○ ○TRAY1 Y SIZE(INCH)7.2INCH~11.7INCH~17.0INCHSet up the paper length for a tray1· "MEDIA MENU" - "TRAY1 PAPERSIZE"-"CUSTOM"· "MEDIA MENU" - "UNIT OF MEASURE"-"INCH"※3○ ○TRAY1 Y SIZE(MILLIMETER)182MILLIMETER~297MILLIMETER~432MILLIMETERSet up the paper length for a tray1. Sets a paper in thesame direction to paper run direction.· "MEDIA MENU" - "TRAY1 PAPERSIZE"-"CUSTOM"· "MEDIA MENU" - "UNIT OF MEASURE"-"MILLIMETER"※3○ ○TRAY1MEDIATYPEPLAINLETTERHEADBONDRECYCLEDCARD STOCKROUCHGLOSSYUSERTYPE1~USERTYPE5Sets the media type for Tray 1. ○ ○TRAY1MEDIAWEIGHTLIGHTM LIGHTMEDIUMM HEAVYHEAVYULTRA HEAVY1Sets the paper weight for Tray 1. ○ ○TRAY1 LEGALSIZELEGAL14LEGAL13.5LEGAL13Sets the legal paper size of Tray 1.Sets the paper type when the paper size dial is adjustedto [LEGAL].○ ○TRAY1 OTHERSIZETABLOIDLETTER SEFEXECUTIVE8K(260x368MM)8K(270x390MM)8K(273x394MM)16K(184MM) L E F16K(195MM) L E F16K(197MM) L E FSets the Other paper size of Tray 1.Sets the paper size other than those configured by thepaper size dial when paper size dial is adjusted to [Other].○ ○TRAY2PAPERSIZE※4CASSETTE SIZECUSTOMSets the paper size for a tray 2. △ △TRAY2 X SIZE(INCH)※45.8INCH~8.3INCH~11.7INCHSets the paper Width for a tray2.· "MEDIA MENU" - "TRAY2 PAPERSIZE"-"CUSTOM"· "MEDIA MENU" - "UNIT OF MEASURE"-"INCH"※3△ △※3 Set the paper size dial as [Other] when using custom paper.※4 Display this item when the second tray is installed.