PC-866 (Cyrillic 2 Code Page 866) PC-866PC-869 (Greek Code Page 869) PC-869Pi Font Pi FontPolska Mazovia Plska MazviaPS Math PS MathPS Text PS TextRoman Ext Roman ExtRoman-8 Roman-8Roman-9 Roman-9Serbo Croatic I Serbo Croat1Serbo Croatic II Serbo Croat2Symbol Font SymbolTurkish PC-8 (PC Turkish) PC-8 TKUkrainian UkrainianUSPS FIM Bars USPSFIMUSPS Stamp Here USPSSTPUSPS ZIP Code USPSZIPVentura International VN Int'lVentura Math VN MathVentura US VN USWindows 3.0 Latin 1 Win 3.0 L1Windows 3.1 Cyrillic Win 3.1 CyrWindows 3.1 Greek Win 3.1 GrkWindows 3.1 Hebrew Win 3.1 HebWindows 3.1 Latin 1 Win 3.1 L1Windows 3.1 Latin 2(East Europe Windows 3.1)Win 3.1 L2Windows 3.1 Latin 5 Win 3.1 L5Windows 3.1 Baltic Win 3.1 BltWingdings Font WingdingsPostScriptResident Fixed PostScript FontsNote: To see samples of fixed resident PostScript fonts, print out a PostScript Typeface List(see " Printing a PostScript Typeface List ").417